Choosing the Right Talent Acquisition Technology Advisory Firm

Congratulations! You’re the boss. You run all of Talent Acquisition and everyone’s depending on you.

Everyone is depending on you.

Kind of scary when you think about it, isn’t it? It’s at this point in one’s career that they start seeking out mentors, community, and bring in an analyst or research firm to ensure the decisions they’re making are the right ones for their organization.

But how to choose a TA Tech Advisory firm? You know HRTech and TATech are different animals, so you don’t want to just pick one off Google. You need a firm that’s going to back you up, help you have confidence in your next big move, and keep you abreast of the latest trends and new technology. Here’s how to choose that firm:

When you’re the boss, who do you turn to ensure you’re making the right decisions? Find out from @TalentTechLabs: Click To Tweet

Your Talent Acquisition Technology Firm should know the difference between TA and HR Tech

  • Here at Talent Tech Labs, we’re always trying to spread the word that TA and HR Tech are two very different disciplines. While there is overlap, the tech stack you choose for your Talent Acquisition function will not be found in the typical HR Tech bin. It’s definitely a warning sign if your analyst or research firm uses the terms interchangeably.

Make Sure Your Talent Acquisition Technology Firm Understands Your Business Problems

  • It’s common that analysts focus only on their area of expertise but in an information economy, Talent issues are business issues. Know the bottom line problems you’re trying to solve and don’t buy into the idea that your choices and ideas won’t infect other areas of the business (for better or worse.)

A Good Talent Acquisition Technology Firm Will Know and Understand Your Current Tech

  • It’s a poor advisor who comes in and dismantles everything without a plan. In order to have a plan to create a strategy, your advisory firm should be very familiar with the technology you’re already using. If they seem unsure or haven’t heard of a certain Talent Acquisition platform or tool you’re using, dig deeper to determine if they’re truly an expert.

Make Sure Your Talent Acquisition Technology Firm Has Deep Expertise in TA Tech

  • It’s not enough to know the difference between HR and TA Tech, someone you pay to advise you should have DEEP expertise in the Talent Acquisition industry. They should know all the players, be familiar and have had briefings on all the available platforms and systems, and have some background in the TA space.

Your Talent Acquisition Technology Firm Should Be There When You Call

  • If your advisory firm ticks all the boxes above but isn’t there when you need their help, what’s the point? Ask pointed questions about what kind of access you’ll have to the analysts, what kind of research your membership covers and if there are costs for extra seats.
Consider these 7 must-haves from @TalentTechLabs when it comes to choosing the right #TalentAcquisition Technology advisory firm: Click To Tweet

A Good Talent Acquisition Technology Firm Has Resources Beyond Research

  • In a world moving this fast, research, no matter how good, cannot exist in a vacuum. A great advisory firm will offer more than just their proprietary research. Check for additional perks like continuing education, decision support, and a community where you can network and learn.

Make Sure Your Talent Acquisition Technology Firm Should Encourage Collaboration

  • Today’s best work comes as a result of collaboration. An analyst or research firm that keeps its clients separated from one another does their customers a disservice. Collaboration, whether face to face or online, is crucial when you have an important job to do. Look for opportunities to ask the tough questions of the analysts and your peers.

Of course, there are many other things that will impact whether or not a particular analyst or research firm is the right choice for your Talent Acquisition team, but this list has some of the most crucial things to look for when making this important choice. By doing your homework ahead of time, you’ll have more data and insight to get internal buy-in AND to hit the ground running when you find the right match.

Talent Tech Labs provides the data-driven advice and tools your company needs to have the most innovative talent acquisition function. Connect with us or call us at +1 (646) 300-7060.